Thursday, March 22, 2012

Boundary Bay IPA

Boundary Bay IPA
6.4% ABV

Poured into a pint glass at re:public. Hazy, rusty copper, with pretty much no head. Grapefruit hops, and a sweet smells. At first, I kind of got faint scent of bubble gum or cotton candy. As it warmed up, it was more caramel malts. Tasted pretty much as it smelled. Hoppy yet balanced, with a little bit of orange peel. Long bitter finish. Crisp and refreshing beer that was perfect after work.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Unibroue - Don de Dieu

Unibroue Don de Dieu
Triple Wheat
9% ABV

Pours a very light gold with a large, creamy head.

Smells sweet with some spicy notes. Pretty fruity. Banana, apples, a bit of citrus. Sourdough bread? Tart smell (yeast?).

As I mentioned before, I am not too used to Belgian beers so bear with me while I explore this taste. Kind of a sweet taste up front with green apples and other fruits. Dry finish. Get slight alcohol but not much. Very smooth drinking. Medium bodied. See some carbonation.

The perfect beer to drink in the summer. Refreshing.

As it warms up, the spicy notes become more bold. Head disappeared really quickly.

From the back of the box:
The Don de Dieu (Gift of the God) is named after the ship commanded by Samuel de Champlain de Brouage. He was an explorer who explored Nouvelle-France. Apparently, de Champlain de Brouage was the founder of Quebec (where this beer is brewed) so this beer is named after his ship.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

21st Amendment Lower da Boom Barleywine

21st Amendment Lower Da Boom Barleywine
10.5% ABV

*from notes*
First impression: looks like grape juice or a cola or something. Little to no head.

Instant smell of butterscotch and some dark fruits and smelled the same. Didn't get much hops. Very smooth and can't really taste the alcohol. Need to be mindful and respect this beer because I can see myself getting into trouble drinking this. Also notice a little bit of caramel and vanilla. Slight dry finish.

Good job. I will have this again if I see it on tap.

Naked City Dry Hopped Podunk IPA Cask

Naked City Dry Hopped Podunk IPA on Cask
5.8% ABV

*From notes*
Poured a hazy orange, and by orange I mean REALLY orange into a pint glass. Let me stress, this looked like an orange soda. It also had a finger, frothy head.

I smelled citrus hops and some kind of bready malts. Tasted the same but I also got orange (from the citrus?). It was medium bodied with a dry finish. It was very smooth and drinkable. Did the oatmeal make it like that?

It says it is an Oatmeal IPA, which I never heard of before but it was really good.

21st Amendment & Ninkasi: Allies Win the War!

21st Amendment & Ninkasi Allies Win the War!
8.5% ABV

I was pretty excited about this beer when I first heard about it. 21st Amendment and Ninkasi? I read a review where it was raved about. When I asked someone about it, they said it was ok. Took me awhile before I tried it.

Poured dark ruby amber into my Hilliards pint glass. The head was large, frothy and light brown with good lacing.

Smelled like toffee and dark fruits. It also said there are dates, but since I am not quite sure what dates smell like I will take their word for it. Another word I have for it was sweet (I am taking this from notes).

It kind of reminded me of a flat IPA. Almost like there is supposed to be a stronger hop profile, though I know that isn't what the style calls for. When it warmed up it kind of reminded me of a barleywine.

It was interesting, and I will have to try it again. Mainly because I want to see what else I get from the taste, and because I spilled half of it on my carpet.

Unibroue - Maudite

For awhile I have said I wanted to learn more about Belgian beers. I found this four pack at Trader Joe's for $8.99 so I couldn't pass it up.

Unibroue - Maudite Belgian Strong Dark Ale
8% ABV

I am a little confused because the box says it is a strong amber-red ale but beer advocate says it is a strong dark ale. Not sure if they are the same thing or not.

Poured a browninsh orange into a tulip glass. Large, frizzy, off-white head with ok lacing.

I smell green apples and spices. Maybe a little bit of caramel but the fruit overwhelms. There is some kind of spice to it that I can't quite identify. The taste is very similar to the smell. It kind of reminds me of a sparkling cider. The body is kind of light with some carbonation. Dry finish.

This seems like a good beer to drink on a Sunday night, while listening to Street Sounds on KEXP, and rest and relax.

There is a story on the label. This is from Quebec Canada so I guess it is French oriented. According to the back of the box, it refers to The Legend of Chasse-Galerie which are 8 lumberjacks who wanted to go home during the winter. The sold their soul to the devil so they could fly in the sky in a canoe. One of the lumberjacks said the word 'God' which made their canoe fall to earth, never to be seen again. Not sure what this has to do with the beer.